Central World Plaza, the massive retail mall in Bangkok that was devastated during the political protests only a few months ago has opened once again. Comparing this picture to the scene of destruction that you will see if you scan down this blog is remarkable.
This is a tribute to the resilience of the established political and commercial powers in Thailand and to the ability of this society to bounce back following seismic tremors.
I admire these qualities very much but there is perhaps a negative side as well. If the elite that controls Thailand restores the shiny facade but fails to deal with the grey reality that lies behind, then greater problems are only stored up for the future.
The privilege of the moneyed Bangkokian to shop in cool, marble malls has been restored but it is still the rural migrants who do the construction and factory work and run the city for dismally low wages. There is little then to send home to Mama Papa who squat in the dust back home in the village.
Amazing Thailand, Resilient Thailand, a country that is admirable in so many ways. Nonetheless, for her sake I desperately hope that she can learn to adapt and change in the very near future as her essential problems will not just go away of their own accord.
Andrew Hicks The Thai Girl Blog October 2010
Hi.. i'm malaysian who lov thai too.. esp koh samui
This has been re-built/restored..so very quickly. But as you say at the expense of country and citizen.
All laid out on the shelves .... Thank you ... very interesting
Good Article
What do you think about the recent election results? I didn't see anything about it here. Hope you comment. Personally, I think - if politics could remain even slightly stable for a while, Thailand would enjoy some real prosperity. Is it possible, I don't want to speculate... just dream of a day when Thais are OK with whatever they voted for themselves and it's all working.
nice picture
Good information definately going to try and get to see these places.
Great book love your insights love the Thais
But what inequality....the politicians in general eugh!!!
Self interested motivated by what? Power status and greed.....not much compassion for humanity or their fellow countrymen motto keep the underdogs where their are
What happens when the king passes away.....will that be the pressure valve?
Great book love your insights love the Thais
But what inequality....the politicians in general eugh!!!
Self interested motivated by what? Power status and greed.....not much compassion for humanity or their fellow countrymen motto keep the underdogs where their are
What happens when the king passes away.....will that be the pressure valve?
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